Creativity to Us
At Choice Awareness Management, we spend considerable time creating things that we believe will positively affect you.
We believe that creativity exists inside all of us.
(Wisdom Sidebar) We invite you to consider that rather bold statement by reviewing a conversation with Peter Robinson of Uncommon Knowledge and David Kelly, inventor of the mouse.
It may not take the shape that one would normally consider - such as drawing, painting, etc.
Nonetheless, it is present with us, and we will help you find the keys to unlock that which exists inside of you.
Vibrant Color Composition
Where Does Creativity Originate?
Creativity comes from our minds, and some would say that it is directly available from your Deity - whether it be God, a high power, the universe, or what you believe helps support and drive you forward.
Is it embedded in our DNA?
You can decide for yourself where your creativity comes from, but we see it show up in all kinds of ways.
We present a few creative examples for your consideration.
Please ponder them and think about how you might create something tangible in your life and business.
Can you name ten (10) ways you could be creative?
What would happen if creativity showed up for you in these new ways?
What could happen if you shared them with your colleagues, associates, and your teams?
Examples of Creativity
Please take a look at some people, and the way they spend their time in their own lives, experience a glimpse at their adventures, and see what may come up for you.
The special photograph shown close by is by photographer Bill Jackson and is titled "View from Space."
In our opinion, this Photo demonstrates creativity at the very highest level.
Learn how he selects his subjects - to understand his motivations and what interests him.
View From Space
This copyrighted image is an interesting perspective of something that you would not normally perceive on your own - that’s what makes this award-winning photographer Bill Jackson so unique.
We have had the opportunity to view some very exceptional talent.
(Wisdom Sidebar) We invite you to view some talented people in a new venue for us to experiment.
We came across a young fellow in Mark Lowndes on Youtube, seeing him compete under Australia's Got Talent, and were very impressed with his abilities.
Please see Mark also at these links:
Exploring Our Services and Products
We are about creating things via our services and products that work for you, producing tangible "Stuff" that positively affects you.
We believe our development process promotes working with the real issues and challenges you face today.
We use our communications model in our development activities.
We spend time understanding our clients and customers through direct coaching. We use these intimate occasions to get at the heart of challenges, then we sit back and ponder what worked toward solving those challenges.
From these connections, we see patterns, sometimes with circumstances seemingly familiar and not.
Then we look to any possible solutions, inspecting where domains might intersect: they bubble and show up for us.
When our collective solutions work, we inspect the conditions present and uncover central ideas—some of these turn into products.
Please take a look at some of our solutions, which culminated in a series of products:
Release Plans - general webinar introduction.
Release Plans - general workshop introduction.
Release Plans - general mentoring introduction