Belief and Faith
At Choice Awareness Management, we have the experiences of thousands of hours of observing and analyzing BELIEF evidence, where we have found it to be the cornerstone of what makes people realize their aspirations or not.
With our own experiences of it and our colleagues, clients, family, and friends, our data constitute a significant body of evidence, including anecdotal, empirical, and personal.
Beliefs and Choices Methodology Word Cloud
Our Approach
We teach guide, and support people in their design, creation, and implementation of their own unique beliefs and choices systems. We help architect your beliefs around time-tested principled systemic and workable foundational beliefs to build experiential faith for beliefs: "manifested" faith cements the belief and ensures results are delivered.
We share some new perspectives about our ideas on the topics of "manifested belief" and "manifested faith." We make a distinction between "manifested belief and faith" as opposed to religious faith, with the former tied to the physical realm, tangible and directly addressable by the individual (you), and the latter being intangible, directly linked to the spiritual realm less quickly and indirectly accessible by you.
(Wisdom Sidebar) The Beliefs Square info-graphic above depicts the main components of the CAM Choice Pyramid in a word cloud format so that you can grasp our perspective. The way that we perceive the significance of the hierarchical journey of manifested belief results in manifested faith. With continued usage of our Beliefs and Choices Methodology, we and others have experienced delivery of a natural lifting of awareness and understanding, which occurs over time and with practice: it is made real with practice disciplines.
We invite you to explore our ideas about this subject by clicking on the links below:
Our preamble for beliefs and choices and what Similarities we see coming present
Distinctions we believe are necessary to make
Manifested Beliefs and what it means to you
Manifested Faith and what this can expect to get your aspirations met.
We invite you to explore what we offer by learning some of the Basics About Us. Learn More.