At Choice Awareness Management, we have specially defined Awareness.
More Clarity…
The water spots in this imagery magnify the surface of the rock, showing us things we would have otherwise missed.
We have learned that your Awareness can reveal additional insights for you when you understand how your beliefs impact you.
Think about Your Beliefs
Awareness within the Beliefs and Choices Methodology context is about gaining insights into the manifested beliefs you create for yourself and the results you define for your specific beliefs(s).
We consider the manifested belief that we/you design/create to aspire to excellence in an On-Purpose Life: the underlying objective uses time-tested healthy principles which benefit others and yourself.
This Awareness comes from a spectrum of time and effectiveness of the results of the belief attained throughout your selected choices and actions toward the outcome: you design these results with goodness in mind, purposefully excluding any delivery of intended or unintended harm.
Gaining Insights
The insight gained from the Awareness of what occurs in your quest toward the outcome will result from the evidence you perceive happening because you monitor the results through your measuring; you gain access to what works and what doesn’t. You may also gain understanding and insights which otherwise would not have come present except for your constant inspection of producing excellence: the rating of 9.5 or better on the CAM Awareness Scale.
Awareness in this process is about your perception and understandings based solely upon your monitoring evidence, where you gain your insights along this pathway toward the results.
(Wisdom Sidebar) This discussion of Awareness herein is in no way intended to follow the controversial teachings of Carlos Castaneda from his “The Power of Silence,” where Awareness is a study and understanding of the learning of don Juan Matus, a Mexican Indian sorcerer. Besides, our use of Awareness is also not a deep study from a philosophical or psychological perspective but decades of experiential practices.