Moral Compass
At Choice Awareness Management, we help you become aware and lead you to make moral choices, which are character-based.
A moral compass helps guide you…
You may ask why this would be important for you to be aware of morality?
The truth of righteousness is understanding the difference between right and wrong: this can serve you and others well. Whether in business or your personal lives, a moral compass will provide direction with new and precious meaning for you.
We have reasoned and helped define character-based beliefs over time for our clients. We spend time with customers working out all kinds of ideas. We find, research, and analyze supporting evidence for the character based-beliefs. Consequently, we genuinely believe a moral compass will make a difference for you.
Is it important to have Morality in your life?
Yes? No? Maybe?
If you have experience with a moral compass, you can probably bypass this section. We strongly suggest you read on because you may learn a new perspective about morality.
(Wisdom Sidebar) By the way, when we speak of morality, we are suggesting the context be a Judeo-Christian-based understanding, similar to the founding ideas in the Ten Commandments, as a starting point. This is not intended to be a religious exercise, nor do we desire to present current world controversial topics such as same-sex marriage, when life begins or who manages one's death, the individual or the state, or any other politically charged subject.
The overall intent is to define basic beliefs that, when combined, will represent a moral compass for one making everyday selections about what's right and what's wrong in choosing for yourself. Unfortunately, this morality context is generally routed in one's past beliefs, conditioning and is most often very deeply personal. So this may be a tough subject to comprehend and get over some of your past selections. This should be helpful and not harmful to you.
Ideas to Ponder
A couple of hints would be helpful in your understanding at this point. The meaning that we give to morality is intended to help shape one's character. Some basic ideas present in the Judeo-Christian beliefs are that life is sacred (e.g., one shall not murder), stealing is forbidden, treating oneself as you treat others, loving your neighbor as one loves themselves, etc., are all favorable beliefs that help drive our selections. The main twist to our thinking, though, is that all beliefs have an expected outcome. For example, not killing someone values life, not stealing values others. Look at the Hippocratic Oath's basic tenet is do no harm, which is now more universal than ever.
Consider What This Means to You
As you ponder these and other topics we present here on our website, more will be revealed. Our question for you: How important is a moral compass for you?