Review Teams
Choice Awareness Management invites you to participate with us during our service and product development review processes (e.g., explore our latest Getting On-Purpose Webinar Release explanation as an example of what's possible) before any of our products are released to the public. If you are an innovative person, you will probably want to join our review teams as soon as possible.
Much of your participation will be conducted on-line so that you will need a computer and internet access.
The online sessions will be held in Pacific Standard-Times and usually announced a few weeks beforehand.
However, in the early stages of product development, we will create a few teams who come together in live face-to-face conference room sessions to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area, the SF Peninsula, or Silicon Valley locales with announcements made via Twitter, Linked-In, Facebook, and other social media venues.
Our review team participants are just like you: smart, inquisitive, ready for new ideas, and contributory
We will use a conference room setting, internet access, whiteboard, etc., and you will also need to bring your computer to these sessions.
We will be announcing the special webinar session for review teams in a couple of different ways, most notably via our Mail Chimp subscriber list (e.g., originally extracted and updated from Linkedin), Twitter and Facebook.
Please see the review team details: