An Aspirant
At Choice Awareness Management, along the way of our development, we thought of different ways to be inspired. We wanted this for ourselves first, then for you.
Background Flavor
We sought out numerous ways: researching stories of people and their heroic actions, learning about the standard-bearers who have become Moral Exemplar's, and reading about all sorts of historical events.
We can't forget the deliverers of "Paradigm Shift's" (Thank you, Thomas Kuhn), which now seem to come from multiple domains while pushing the compass needle north and setting new revolutions in motion.
We looked profoundly and analyzed principles as a starting point, which encouraged us to seek more ideas and alternatives. If we kept our minds on inspiration's spirit and language, new ideas would come present over time.
The sense of it Showed-Up
To help us understand the universe of business coaching/mentoring and the competitive landscape, we engaged Kelly Conway. His report back to us was extensive and allowed an explanation of the market space, but more importantly, the concept of an Aspirant, albeit in a somewhat different context.
It was precisely the insight that we needed: we gained an epiphany about what was possible with the concept, and it resonated with us instantly.
Consequently, for us, our evolving thinking about inspiration became a horizon point of view, much like a vision statement has you peek forward into your future. We were able to craft our unique meaning.
Our Definition of an Aspirant
Within the context of an individual where "Your Life is Worth Living" or for a business where "Your Business is Worth Growing," our definition of an Aspirant is as follows:
“We are people who together consistently aspire, remain engaged in excellence, discovery, and worthy experiences that expand ourselves and others, all the while committed to beliefs, choices, actions, and results that forward our purposeful living and our businesses.”
We invite you to ponder what we have defined here for a few moments: evaluating yourself if the definition is something that you can stand inside.
We invite you to explore more about our ideas for an aspirant:
Introducing the Aspirant's Creed - what this can mean for you daily.
Aspirant's Qualities - those characteristics which define an Aspirant.
Intimate Intentions - the Author's story behind the design and creation of the Aspirant's Creed - the Full Creed is included.