Contact Us — Choice Awareness Management

Contact Us

Benninghofen Company

Belmont, CA, 94002
United States

Phone: (650) 918-9256 

Fax:   (650) 942-0231

Leave Voice Message

Call us now on our mobile line, leave us a voice message with any questions, and we will respond quickly within 24 to 48 hours.


Besides, and if needed, please direct an email to our founder and managing partner at to begin an email discussion.

Schedule a Telephone Call

If your interest is urgent, we want to understand what's going on for you: our first conversation with you is entirely free and confidential. Click our “Investigate Further” to schedule a free thirty-minute telephone call with us now.

Feedback Form

Please fill out our multi-purpose feedback form (e.g., click on the green icon below). Our contact format has been designed to take your essential input. You may provide your contact information, select the subject matter of your response (i.e., applause, question, request, complaint, suggestions, praise, etc.), your priority needs (i.e., urgent, 1 to 2 days, etc.), date needed, and your comments. Your email and telephone numbers are not shared with anyone unless you provide us your permission.

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