Wisdom Ideas
At Choice Awareness Management, we deliver value by clearly defining things for you while offering you ideas and concepts that can make a difference.
Like the enthusiastic women in the image close by, we help fill in the blanks for you with knowledge, information, and experience without you having an expensive training investment: merely read our words, absorb the meaning and begin to apply these ideas and concepts inside your life.
We place ideas, concepts, suggestions, personal, empirical, and anecdotal knowledge throughout our website, services, and products, highlighting these sidebars (i.e., we refer to as wisdom sidebars, usually indented).
A few examples as follows:
Our wisdom sidebars allow our ideas and concepts to have context and greater meaning for you - thereby providing awareness with seasoned experiences
Trusted Strategies
Choice Awareness Management does not desire, wish, and/or otherwise plan on creating a dependent relationship with you. We want to be viewed as being part of your support system, available and there when you need us: only then.
No dependency with us…
Starter Point Ideas
BTW, we realize that you may not have enough worldly experiences yet, which provides you with alternatives from which to choose from. So we offer the following ideas as a starting point:
do nothing right now but sit with the comfortableness of it and think about the situation you are encountering,
ask yourself, "What am I to learn from this"? "Why is this coming up for me right now”? "What would my father, mother, brother, sister, and my friends do inside these circumstances”?
Look for at least five to ten major answers to come forward during this pondering process and write them down so you will not forget them,
share all of the stuff that came forward with your stakeholder community and/or trusted relationships and solicit their best thoughts and ideas about it; and finally,
create a set of beliefs, choices, actions, and results from what you just learned and begin tracking the outcomes you desire. Besides, from your own awareness and insights of this example, do you now realize that you may owe someone an apology for your actions and/or behavior?
Please share what you have learned for yourself with others: all your important relationships. If you are doing this for your business, you learn to share what you have learned with your colleagues and your important relationships.
Tables with Greater Detail Explanations
We occasionally use tables in our blogs to further explain a deeper meaning of a particular subject or topic - see an example article.