Services Introduction
At Choice Awareness Management, our SERVICES center around having conversations with you and your staff. This could occur either by telephone, in face-to-face one-on-one, one-to-many group meetings, workshops, and/or via live internet webinars and also off-site intensive sessions.
In all of these encounters, we use CAM Products and other materials that help you gain insight, awareness - then understanding about a particular subject, topic, idea, and/or concept.
Our Teaching Belief
It is vitally important that we not tell you how to do things but rather question you while pointing to ideas/concepts. Then stay with you until you gain your own insight about it: we will drive you to understand at varying levels using our processes.
In this manner, your understanding and what it means to you becomes your own - not ours. That is why we keep you in an inquiry until it comes present for you. Remember that our questions are just for you; it is for you to get it!!!
(Wisdom Sidebar) We have experienced answer(s) that are neither supportive, sustaining, or use because the business owners, leadership teams, and players didn't accept the answer as part of their belief system (this will guarantee failure).
You are Your Own Expert
Our service quality delivery and uniqueness about this approach are founded with time-tested education: we point to Socrates and Plato, among others, for the techniques. This approach may be considered unusual in some parts of the world today: some people want the experts to tell them what to do.
We want you to think for yourself and further develop your own innate talents and skills - you are your personal expert.
We perceive you as your own subject matter expert along with your teams. So we spend our time focusing on you and them on getting it done. Our objective is to remove the stoppages and overcome the breakdowns that naturally occur within your business. These stoppages and disruptions typically exist inside the beliefs present in people and their companies.
You may question this inquiry process. However, let us help you understand that we have both breadth and depth of experience in various domains, disciplines, and industries. This allows us to form different questions and target your thinking to have the crucial things present for you. This requires significant expertise to accomplish this - and you will gain from the experience of it. We invite you to experiment with our concepts by exploring some of our ideas on this subject by clicking on Learn More...
Our Services Approach
If you asked one hundred people what they thought business coaching/mentoring services entailed, you would get one hundred different answers. Because the approach and results attained will be different for each person.
However, to provide a foundational coaching/mentoring definition, our colleagues and we define it at an introductory high-level perspective as:
“Facilitating people in their own commitment and enthusiasm to accomplish their objectives”
This image will help you determine your own answers and help facilitate your thinking about what is important to you…
What To Expect From Us
We offer a starter set of ideas and related results that you may find insightful as:
Revealing what is by listening and keen observation - then giving you feedback
We access and provide artful and intelligent inquiry - your answers are your keys,
Distilling complex challenges into easily understood concepts - we point to ideas and concepts which will help you,
Uncovering an individual’s characteristics to expose their talents and excellence - highlighting these for you to understand,
Elevating language to increase individual effectiveness - showing you how to do this,
Coupling actions to purpose while strengthening people, process, and results - helping you create your own beliefs and choices architecture,
Evolving inter-relatedness while affecting people and their networks/connections - giving you the why, what, and how of it,
Creating behaviors that help produce trust, loyalty, and intimacy to deepen relationships shows you how to this.
Each one of the key ideas and results is based upon a relationship that operates upon trust and confidentiality.
Explore Us Further Right Now
Take a moment to sample our offerings to attain a flavor of what we can provide for you:
Mentoring Services - jump and fast start business services
Coaching Programs - available for individuals and groups
Webinars - jump-start knowledge transfer
Workshops - get you moving in a compelling direction for change.
We have defined two essential key success factors that provide guidelines for how to conduct manage and monitor progress either for you individually or inside your teams and groups:
Accountability - our unique definition with strategies and characteristics to consider
Excellence - our perspective on this vital topic and the measure of it.
If you would like to determine how this might work for you, look at Our Basics.