Choice Awareness Management has designed a few powerful and straightforward models to help you understand what selections mean in our lives.
We intend that you get meaning instantly from our models and you remain open to new perspectives about selections.
Consider This
If you inspect a definition of "Select" (i.e., courtesy of, you will discover there are two ideas of the verb, which appear very similar:
to choose in preference to another or others; pick out, or
to make a choice; pick.
However, we suggest that a decision or a choice is a selection; we believe there is a distinct difference between the two words.
(Note) The first illustration depicts how we make decisions, and this is our idea of how a graphic Decision Pyramid should appear.
Unconscious beliefs produce unpredictable results…
Understanding Our Pyramid
This imagery should read from bottom to top. In this way, our experiences drive our unconscious beliefs, which drive our decisions and actions to produce unpredictable results.
Moreover, with our decisions, we usually don't design our beliefs. Because of this, we have no way of knowing what outcomes we want: thus, they become unpredictable.
Since we are often unaware of our beliefs (i.e., unconscious), we tend to make our decisions in a rote manner - routine (e.g., we prefer to reference habits as a routine or a rote process.). At the same time, we purposefully design practices. These unconscious beliefs have been taken on from others' experiences along with our own and don't match reality.
(Wisdom Sidebar) Our reference to an unconscious belief is your interpretation of your experience: they may be useful or not, and recognized or not.
Besides, when the experience seems similar, this rote selection/decision process takes over, even when the situation's nuances differ: they present themselves to us, or we perceive them as similar, yet they are not.
The image also depicts how our experiences and unconscious beliefs are connected. The past contains part of our decision and sometimes a portion of the present (i.e., the present portion of the decision is still not connected to a conscious belief).
This disconnection is because we base our decisions most often upon past experiences - historical accessed via our memories, which are interpretations of the experience. The present contains our actions, while the future contains our results.
It is easy to think of a few decisions which match this pattern. Again, we invite you to inspect some of your recent decisions, which produced unpredictable results. You will begin to see how this model closely matches real-life and why this method is ineffective. Our CAM Choices Pyramid offers a new solution toward predicting attainable results with high efficacy.
Our Choices Pyramid
The second image is called the CAM Choices Pyramid because it explains how our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM) operates. We first define a belief and the associated result (i.e., outcome) that we want while describing the outcome in some value form: quantity, amount, or end-state. The result must be measurable. Then we proceed to describe the paired choices and actions required to produce the outcome.
One of the distinctions of this pyramid is the image was created as a 3D illustration to depict the rich and comprehensive nature of defining all these components.
Another distinction from the Decision Pyramid vs. the Choice Pyramid is that it contains only a current and future state; no past is involved. In this BCM practice, one defines the belief, the paired choices, and actions from a current perspective. The future portion is the end-state, which the belief will produce.
One could say that this is a predictive model that is evidence-based because you refine your choices and actions toward attaining the result. The key is that this model will create a predictable future.
As an example, let's say that your belief is designed to have your business identify and engage one hundred new customers or clients. Your design choices would have your business set your target market, define your service/product for that market, and the paired actions would have you execute business development practices to attain the outcome. You would measure each choice and action toward that end.
After measuring, you will adjust the choices and paired actions to ensure the results attains at least an 8.0 or better on the CAM Awareness Scale.
A Different BCM Perspective
This third illustration depicts the BCM in a "Tootsie Roll Model": it is another perspective we believe will also prove helpful to you.
We encourage you to download our e-Booklet "BCM Tootsie Role Model - An Introduction" (see below in Our Download Information Table).
Take a few moments to concentrate your reading, understanding, and efforts in two distinct parts of your life by considering how you go about handling:
Today: Daily, remain present in the moment(s) guided by your beliefs, making choices and taking actions, then
Tomorrow: Glance to the future momentarily (weekly or monthly) to ensure your compass is pointing in the right direction.
(Wisdom Sidebar) We have found that by consistently remaining present in this fashion, we honor living On-Purpose and gain a fruitful, productive, and engaging life - you will too!!!
Purposeful Intention
Our emphasis is paired CHOICES and ACTIONS as a central theme with Awareness as the delivered Outcome.
We know from our and others experiences that you can improve and manage your life via your systemic beliefs by:
Using precise language throughout your design activities; is where you can bring meaning to each component,
Designing them to match what you wish to accomplish coupled with how you go about doing it,
Creating clearly articulated choices and associated actions, then connecting them, which
Receiving the results, you define for yourself.
At first, these four points may appear to be claimed by someone (us) in which you don't have any knowledge or any experience before today.
However, we ask you to stick with us for a few moments of your time to appreciate how important our ideas can be for you. Learn More...
We invite you to explore some more details about our BCM Model:
Design Criteria behind the making of the BCM
Long Term View of the BCM and the application to your On-Purpose life.
Download Information
Now is the time to experiment with our BCM Choices Pyramid and our Tootsie Roll Model and consider how our models would be effective in explaining how your choices life can work for you...
Our products are priced in the spirit of Walt Disney - family worthy and accessible to all.