At Choice Awareness, we have mentoring services designed to help businesses get going and start on a new pathway toward vitality and growth.
This service is a starter coaching package with a minor investment of $1,500 to answer basic questions that most first-time business owners don't consider.
If you complete these activities, you will be ahead of the game. And if you experience great difficulty, then being a business owner may not be right for you.
We identify people who are getting ready to start a business or people that have been thinking about it as “new business owners.” Regardless of whether they have ever owned or started a business.
We use this image as a way to focus the business owner's attention on the essential characteristics of planning, executing, and monitoring. We would expect frequent monitoring of the financial status of your business. With our guidance, much of these disciplines will be designed to exist inside your Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM).
Background Ideas
Some perceive themselves as entrepreneurs, some as risk-takers, yet many are really willing to do something differently: some also describe themselves as independent thinkers.
If you find yourself among the group of people we call "new business owners," this page will make a difference for you. Because you will learn practices and be given the methods of how to move forward. In essence, we suggest that you take the risk and turn your ideas into reality!!!
Common Characteristics
New business owners are generally looking to do something else and are willing to prepare themselves for this next adventure.
The principal characteristic of new business owners is that they are not at all satisfied with their current lot in life. Usually, because their needs are not being met, professionally, financially, or otherwise. They may earn an annual income or have sufficient funds or not. The issues and challenges present for them vary substantially:
In some cases, they are driven by the needs and demands of the current employer and have little control over their destiny. They may influence their participation in degrees, but usually only if the influence matches closely with the future of the employer.
They may identify as an employee sometimes. And be closely associated with the company they represent, a group of people within the firm, or the values and beliefs in which they are exposed to continually, or not.
Sometimes, whether employed or not, they are driven by the current economic conditions present and a hundred other reasons, usually dependent upon their particular circumstances.
Regardless of what category you may place yourself, you are at a point where you need some help in moving forward. We are the HELP...
What You Must Understand
There is a starting point for all things: a business is no exception. You must first understand your own personal "Why" and how your own "Why" relates to operating a business. Second, you must define your "What" as it applies to your business idea. The "How" to do it will come later - we can help determine this with you, too - if needed. Most of all, the preliminary work required to create a business must be done by you. And, your alliance/affiliate partners, and people that are not currently in your now professional/colleague/friend and other stakeholder circles.
You must also realize your business requires marketing and sales efforts: you, along with your connection circles, will support each other as you grow. What you do not possess will come from someone who has what you need. Do not expect to do this alone, or you will likely get stuck. But getting stuck is okay at this point. Because it is better to understand what needs to be done now rather than later.
Our primary objective with our service is to have you look closely at the basics that must be in place to start your business. Take the time now to answer the fundamentals first before you actually proceed further toward your future launch.
If you do want to proceed, we will help you by pointing to our colleagues who would help create your models. And then test them against current market conditions, identify your prospect needs. Then make adjustments to ensure your product and service offerings meet their needs.
Our primary focus is the front-end definition to bring awareness and understanding about your own motivations and convictions. Without the knowledge of these, moving forward could be fruitless and filled with frustration.
Our Service
We have designed our service as a pre-definition activity to answer all the basic questions about what your business is all about. You don't need to create a huge business plan - that's not the goal here.
You will be directed to answer the questions associated with a business model later. In our starter package, we will take you through our item 2 of our Start-Up Practices with a stopping point of Defining Your Business through item 5. "What Reason's Does Your Company Exist?". Most importantly, we will focus your attention to answering the fundamental questions that one must answer. And, it is a small investment, which in the long-run may save you lots of money. Our position is that one can't proceed without these activities being completed, or you will surely not succeed.
(Wisdom Sidebar) There is no reason to proceed further until you can create a set of what, why and your own promises you're willing to do to make things successful: these exist inside your beliefs about yourself and business. If you can answer these for yourself effectively, then the basic plan will come automatically from creating a real business model.
In which case, we can help support and direct you to create your revenue forecast, costs and all basics data about your business on paper first. Remember, by getting an early start on this process by beginning to define your "Why" and "What" about your business, you would have answered the essential questions most owner's don't bother to complete.
Our service provides you early business definition guidance to get all these things, accomplished with only six hours of coaching to be used over a period of six months: a scheduled first session to take place within 31 days of purchase.
Sample Guide
Materials designs to jump start mentoring services