Foundational Beliefs — Choice Awareness Management

Foundational Ideas

At Choice Awareness Management, we make a practice of building wisdom, common-sense, practiced, and time-tested beliefs: we believe them to be trustworthy and unshakable foundations for creating and sustaining on-purpose living - both for your personal and business life. Our website was created, designed, and implemented with foundational beliefs in mind. We support their development by building practices with references from all kinds of sources. This page provides explanations of our implementation thinking, considering, and contemplating.

(Special Note) Besides, we explain how we intend to operate online and be perceived by our audiences.

1. Overall Intention

Our underlying intention is to provide a learning site to expose people to new and old ideas. We create thought-provoking articles (i.e., blogs) that help you think about your world, with the overall purpose of gaining more awareness, which we believe leads you to new levels of advanced understanding.

2. Websites

We utilize both WordPress and Squarespace website development tools: both are web and content management solutions. Initially, we began blogging using WordPress, yet we will likely migrate our WordPress blogs to this Squarespace website in the future.

(Special Note) Our initial thinking about WordPress is that we would have multiple blogging sites for professionals, business people, and individuals. We created the website with this design in mind. One idea was to release thoughts for new products and services while still creating and developing stages. We now realize that first ideas are not always the most effective, so please forgive us for our rummaging.

Our original website was created to capture ideas for our first book about belief systems. We closed that website and re-designed it in this current state while also renaming it It contains much of the thinking leading to writing the publication of our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM). Bob is on a two-year sabbatical to write the book with an anticipated release in 2021.

3. WordPress Clickable Images Add Insight

Each of our WordPress posts (i.e., we call them articles) contains clickable images (i.e., photographs or illustrations) intended to support what we share with you. The intention is to give you an extra avenue to learn by drilling into our image. If you wish to learn more about our ideas, the first hover over each image, click on the photos in one of our articles. We invite you to experiment with this concept by reading one of our articles now.

(Special Note) When converting our WordPress articles to this SquareSpace site, we have created an image detail explanation beginning with an indented Image Background.

An example of a WordPress clickable image…

An example of a WordPress clickable image…

Image Background

This clickable image example close by depicts binary code 0 and 1. As background, our clickable image(s) are used to provide a more profound understanding of the point we make in our articles. Yet, we use this example here to represent what possibilities we could be inspecting: turn each block in this case, and you’ll produce 0 or 1. But, what if each block contained a new secret or piece of the puzzle: wouldn’t spur you on to the next discovery?

Imagine That?

So we want you to begin thinking in these terms – observing, wondering, inspecting, and discovering. We say these our beliefs can be strengthened and made to work well in your life: this is one of our basic tenets.

As a standard of excellence, we have decided that each of our WordPress images will be a clickable image(s) containing more detailed information. This detailed information provides more ideas and knowledge to learn something different: a clear definition of our original intention for using the image and what new perspectives you could gain from further investigation.

Over time, there will be a body of knowledge amassed, which will help people develop and support their belief systems. 

4. Image Sources

We tend to use (I.e., Now Adobe Photos) as our primary source for clickable images. Still, we also take some of our photographs (e.g., under the banner of Choice Awareness Management Publishing (CAMP)). Besides, we make use of the libraries obtained over the years from other companies such as Photos.Com and Hemera Technologies, Inc as examples.

5. Contextual Explanations 

We support our ideas, concepts, and assertions inside these clickable images from many specific and referenced sources. First-off we make use of our websites as a connection to our founding ideas, either at our main website or our other blog sites such as:

  1. Choice Awareness Management – Our Beliefs and Choices Methodology brand.

  2. Benninghofen Company – This is our original blog site where we share developing new ideas, products, and services: the article referenced in the link touches upon daily disciplines.

6. Supporting References

Then, in addition to our clickable images, we also use knowledge and information databases such as, etc. We also use other free-sources of credible data, along with fact-based and checked references. These are considered award-winning organizations like the Wall Street Journal and other reliable sources: Hillsdale College, the Hoover Institute, and the Heritage Foundation.

We lean heavily toward US Constitutionalismfree marketslimited government, and classical liberalism. On our websites and in our publications, we consistently refrain from discussing politics, government policy, sex, and taxes. We regard such opinions as otherworldly, much better left to others. Our main thrust and intent with our content are to have people think for themselves, study, research, learn, grow, and prosper in their lives. We are activists only teaching people to choose for themselves and having people take responsibility for their choices.

7. Use of Wisdom Sidebars

We also use sidebars throughout our web pages, blogs, and documents we publish via Choice Awareness Management Publishing (CAMP). We consider the sidebars to be packed with knowledge and supporting information to further drive a point home for you. We have just begun to standardize them in tables (i.e., starting in June 2014). They include the blog product code formalized headings and note numbers to make them easy to read.

(Special Note) Over time we will go back to our previous blogs and put all the past wisdom sidebars into this new standard.

At times, our new wisdom sidebars will contain additional links to other sites and clickable images to help one remember the sidebar context. A simple example of a WordPress wisdom sidebar:

/ Wisdom Sidebar 302010-04_01 /

(Wisdom Sidebar Table Description) This table describes personal practices that have served our founder and his colleagues well. While writing has been a practice for many since childhood, ideation's benefits are coming to the forefront with continued scientific research into brain activities.


8. Commercial Free

We do not allow commercials on our website for any reason. We want our sites to be information-based, knowledge and wisdom content-heavy, but commercial-free. How many times have you been frustrated visiting commercial websites which push product and services to you everywhere? Well, not here by design.

You may, however, see advertisements at times, depending upon how you get to us through your browser. We do not use Ads, and we apologize for their appearance.

9. Statement of Learning Intention 

One of our primary stands is striving for excellence. We define subjectively on our Awareness Scale, but measurable with accuracy and certainty by anyone willing to subscribe to the personal discipline. Moreover, we continue to work proactively toward operating our lives driven by and around time-test principles, not personalities.

We believe in the primacy of individual rights granted by our Constitutionthe concept of separation of powers, our US-based set of Laws are to be equally applied to all US citizens: within these contexts, then finally the motto "Live and Let Live."

10. Reality-Based Definitions

We use foundation and fundamentals time-tested-universally-accepted principles from such pristine sources as the US Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the 10 Commandments, Universal Principles, along with many others.

We also realize that the world is full of opinions, beliefs, and ideas: many of which are contrary to our own – that is the way it is.

(Basic Beliefs) Good and evil exist side-by-side. US Institutions (e.g., Universities, Government agencies, etc.) once respected and admired have become bankrupt from their original intention overtime, seemingly turned upside-down. We realize, however, that politics and politicians have allowed intended and unintended consequences to perpetuate the bankruptcy we mentioned – example: politicians exclude themselves from US law.

11. We Do Not Discuss Religion

While we subscribe to a specific religion, we believe firmly to make no particular judgments about your and other's religious ideas (e.g., except those that claim a religious status but do not hold human life as sacred). Atheism is an example of an accepted position. We hold that your ideas about your religion are sacred to you and private. Whatever your Deity or not, it is yours and your pursuit of it, as long as no one becomes harmed by it or its beliefs (i.e., the harm in this context means coercion, violence, murder, etc.).

We do make references to religions sources only to provide examples and stories to enlighten and support selections, beliefs, and choosing for oneself.

We strive for a productive daily relationship with our higher-power whom we choose to call God. And, we believe in our heart that we are here for teaching and sharing what we have learned. We hope our work is Divinely inspired.

12. We Do Not Discuss Politics or Sex

We have decided the topics of politics and sex are controversial and out of the realm of discussion for us. We will not require you to choose any argument about these topics - just google them and you’ll see a wide spectrum of pro’s and con’s. We leave that to your own research, imagination, and inspection. Good hunting!

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