Talent Watch
At Choice Awareness Management, we look for talent in all kinds of places, especially looking for art, music, entertainers, actors, playwrights, authors, etc. - you can find talent anywhere you look - if you look closely enough.
The best thing about this talent search is that it is usually right in front of you.
Talent comes anywhere you look for it and it comes in all kinds of forms…
This doesn't have to be an Xfactor search for the top talent, merely a closer inspection than you are used to regularly performing - we suggest observing and listening more closely than you have before.
And the talent can be in the unique characteristics of the person you are thinking about right now.
Can you imagine some talent that your family, friends or stakeholders possess and why?
Some Talents Not Thought About
We know you can do this, but we'll provide a little assistance and share a few items that might tickle your thinking to help you remember why they inspire you:
A person who is connected to their heart and emotions - they share at a depth you may not be able
The one who fascinates you and has you wanting to spend time with them, just to be in their presence
A storyteller who is able to summarize your own thinking with a few words while getting to the heart of it quickly
A person you find objectionable at times because they are usually right, but they love you and you know it
Someone who instills courage in you because of the way they handle challenges in their life
A person that would give their own life to save yours, without even knowing who you are
A person that typically encourages you to do your best and cheers you on continuously, regardless of your success or failure
Someone who loves you unconditionally, especially when you can't seem to love yourself or anyone else
A person who asks you questions and points you in directions you would have never thought about
A hero that has affected and inspired you because their traits are something you want for yourself...
This is only a starting point, we know that you can expand this list as you uncover what's important for you.
We are only scratching the surface with a few of the people that we have been affected by watching, listening, or reading about them. We will make use of Pinterest and TED.com at times and other sources too. The links included below are videos, but some links may be the written word or other visual displays.
For us, this is also a starting point, as we will add more data along the way.
Joe Robinson, Guitar Player: a wonder of another kind, Performance Access Link
Luther Vandross, Singer: one of our favorite performances, Performance Access Link
Wess Morgan, Pastor - I won’t complain: one of our favorite gospel songs, Performance Access Link
Sarah Kay, Spoken-Word Poet: If I should have a daughter, Performance Access Link
Barry Schwartz, Psychologist: Our loss of wisdom, Performance Access Link
Sasha Strauss, Professor: Think Branding, Access Link
Roderick Dixon, A Song for You, Performance Access Link
Walter Rodriques Jr., The Savior Is Waiting, Performance Access Link
Ben Dunlap, Life-Long Learner, Access Link
Andrea Faustini, An exceptional signing duo from Italy, Performance Access Link