At Choice Awareness Management, we encourage individuals to take personal responsibility for themselves, their choices, and the critical actions and results which occur from their choices.
Responsibility is an individual and underlying belief. People who accept this will be taken as honest and trustworthy.
There is no substitute for this, and most of us know this deep within our souls: shame is a good indicator when honesty is not present. Shame is experienced in those people who still hold character as a principled value. Not all people have this quality: one can look no further than our current crop of politicians to see the lack of shame.
Personal Accountability
This is an area that affects each one of us.
Consequently, we believe that it is important enough to warrant its own web page(s).
Taking personal responsibility for yourself is a Framework Foundational tenet, along with being an integral part of our principles (i.e., see item 2.) Leaderships, teams, and groups must also take responsibility for their actions (e.g., see for accountability for businesses).
This image provides a fundamental definition of accountability, which means for us to take personal responsibility for yourself, all your beliefs, choices and actions - we teach you how to use our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM).
We highly recommend that you participate in this principle (i.e., belief) in all your interactions, both personal, work, and professionally - everywhere in your life.
Maximum Benefit
To allow you to get the most significant benefit from our many services and products, no matter how you receive and implement them, we suggest that you have someone, other than yourself, help hold you accountable: this is a go-to person.
This holds for individuals, as it is for businesses. We suggest that leadership, project, or group team member be the go-to person for business activities.
Our experience has shown us that attempting to hold yourself accountable with no go-to person will be temporary at best.
We call this go-to person an accountability partner.
You can accomplish this by finding like-minded, especially one who possesses a similar set of character, morality, achievement-focused and aspiration-driven traits, and behaviors.
You can find them - it may take some time, but you will be successful.
Accountability Partner
An accountability partner is someone who will work with you consistently - we prefer weekly or semi-monthly.
The person you select to participate in your personal or business life should not be a mentor to you or currently in your circle or community. They should be unknown to you.
Explore Accountability
Learn more about the detailed characteristics and suggestions of your accountability partner by selecting from the following:
Accountability for Individuals
Accountability for Businesses