At Choice Awareness Management, we use illustrations to great effect by selecting compelling images and loading them with details that make sense.
This image portrays film and is unequivocal in its universal understanding…
Since pictures can be a source of many words, we use them throughout our website and all our materials.
We take great care in selecting photographs, which either bring instant recognition for you or make you think a little bit and become curious enough to want to learn more about what we intend.
Take, for instance, this photograph of the movie reels - each of us would have an instant "Ah-Ha" without much interpretation.
In many of the illustrations we select, we present startling and vibrant colors to get your attention, then use language in the image title (when you hover over the image), which gives you new perspectives and hence new ways of looking at things and thinking about them...all with purposeful intention to allow you to ponder and wonder.
(Note) We have some greater flexibility in our blogs than we do here on our website for labeling the photos. But, for the most part, you will gain an awareness of our intention for you.
We use a combination of photographs and imagery from many different sources:
Fotolia - one of our primary sources of illustrations,
Choice Awareness Management Publishing (i.e., we take some of our own photographs),
Friends and Colleagues, and
Other paid and free sources.
Word Clouds
The use of the "Word Cloud" has become popular over the past few years, and we offer a few of our own designs to capture that which will help stimulate your ideas generation.
We use an inventive word cloud generator for the creation of our "Word Cloud" images.
Organizing Language
Our word cloud depicts some of the services and products that we provide - we use our color schema to make it easy to recognize them…
The first word cloud is a sample of some of the services and products we have created for our customers and clients.
Not all of them are represented here but enough of them to give you a sense of possibility and opportunity for you.
We invite you to look closely at this word cloud to see the services and products that you can spot: we built it to spark your interest in us.
In addition, this unique word cloud is embedded in all our of our downloads to remind you of what's possible by participating with us.
Different Ways to Visually Format Language
The second-word cloud has similar data yet organized in a different fashion.
It was created using a different free generator (e.g., we are currently staying with the first generator because of its features and benefits).
However, as we routinely suggest, and as a matter of course, we experiment with all kinds of different things using our practice disciplines. In this case, it is language (word) formats to see which examples have greater appeal for ou and we encourage and want your feedback.
We think the first "Word Cloud" is easier to perceive, especially considering the color usage.
We employ our CAM Color Standards to highlight and make it easy for your eyes to discern the different items.
Our second-word cloud depicts some of the services and products that we provide and is very similar to the first-word cloud, but this experiment displays our services and products differently…
Other Ways
But, we want you to select the one that will resonate best for you: your input is significant to us because we consistently make changes based upon your requests.
If these examples make sense to you, we invite you to provide your feedback via our Contact Us link at the bottom of this page, click on the Facebook share button and forward your comments to our page with your ideas and selections.
In any case, we want your feedback from all our pages: we believe we have made it easy for you to provide us your suggestions through some of the most popular social media links - look below under Web Links.
Again, we invite you to continue to investigate us by browsing our pages - why not try Our Promise by clicking on Learn More...
Our third-word cloud is another experiment in displaying our services and products differently…