At Choice Awareness Management, we intend for all our communications with you to be open. We have designed our website with this in mind for you.
What do you think we mean by this concept of being open?
We see two sides to this coin: one is you, the other is us.
For us, this means to start with a clean slate and remain vigilant to learning new ideas - similar for you also.
Basic Belief - Letting You Come to It
This image depicts that openness is a state of mind: all one has to do is walk through the door to new adventures…
However, inside our design philosophy, we don’t tell you what to do, but show you different perspectives. We have designed our products and services to put you into an inquiry with yourself and others and to think for yourself.
When we define a belief, we also design the accompanying choices, actions, and results. When the results arrive from acting upon our beliefs, we gain faith. Our goal is to share what we have learned and pass it along to you so that you can define these components for yourself.
Defining a Belief
We invite you to take a look at a sample of the definition of a belief called Integrity. We have mapped the components of the belief definition with 6 separate ideas, along with all the associated choices, actions, and finally the end results or outcome of the belief. The experience rectangle identifies what has actually occurred during the development and implementation activities.
This sample demonstrates the basic activities of defining a belief.