Excellence Defined
At Choice Awareness Management, we do not look for perfection in anything, merely excellence.
We all know what "Good Enough" looks like, don't we? And, we are not referring to the software development domain)
Many people know how to spell excellence but do they really understand how to deliver excellence? For the most part, we don't think it exists in abundance across too many industries except aviation and technology
Where Good Enough Shows Up
For "Good Enough," all you have to do is look around you, and you will see it in action - everywhere.
We suggest you look closely with the following:
Government and its practices.
Retailers and their people.
Politicians and their actions.
The Media and their sloth...
Examples of Excellence to Counter The Good Enough
Certainly, there are exceptions to the rule-of-thumb, and we have identified an institution and two companies that are clear exceptions.
For instance:
government has the Malcolm Baldrige Award,
retailers have Apple,
politicians have .... well, let us leave that one for your own imagination.
Finally, the media has The Epoch Times.
OK, so you are getting our point.
Excellence does exist - we can see it, appreciate it, and... yes, we can measure it.
Definition of Excellence
From dictionary.com, we have taken the top two explanations:
an excellent quality or feature: The use of herbs is one of the excellences of french cuisine.
The fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence: his excellence in mathematics.
From our perspective, we believe it is measurable, and we use our own CAM Awareness Scale to highlight this for you.
We've borrowed our illustration of "Measuring Success."
Look closely at the red box in the picture to understand how we define excellence.
Our example of how one can measure success…
We say for us that it exists between 9.5 and 10.0. We aim for this in all that we do at Choice Awareness Management.
Because we are humans, we may fall short. But, the point is that we strive for it.
We hope that you agree with us.
(Wisdom Sidebar) Our founder reminds himself about standing for excellence using an exercise that brings the point home for him. When standing by himself or in front of a group, he visualizes standing on the number 10. The 1 is under his left foot, and the 0 is under his right foot. For him, the numbers are inside large blue circles with the numbers in white. The blue color is what we call our "Berritt Blue" (e.g., our original corporation color schema of #547992), and this helps in his visualization of standing in/on/for excellence.
Purposeful Usage
Our goal is to have everyone measure the success of their own BCM designs. The way to accomplish this is to measure the result you have defined. You can use the CAM Awareness Scale, a quantity or amount. Or some other relevant measure. To gain an initial insight into how you can do this, click on the link below.