Our Promise
Choice Awareness Management wants to make you a promise. This promise is not a wish, so you don't have to close your eyes like the women pictured below.
We will state our promise in a moment, but we wanted you to understand that we believe a commitment is essential. We want you to consider ours before moving too far into our website.
We also want you to appreciate who we are and how we expect to present ourselves to you and the world.
This women is making a wish…
First of all, take a look below at a definition of the word promise. By way of Merrian-Webster Online, there appears to be the potential for rich meaning:
Dictionary Definition of Promise
By way of Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, here is their definition:
prom·ise (1)
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English promis, from Latin promissum, from neuter of promissus, past participle of promittere to send forth promise from pro- forth + mittere to send
Date: 15th century
A declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified; b) a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.
a reason to expect something; especially: ground for an expectation of success improvement or excellence."
In this spirit of their definition two, please consider the meaning of our promise as setting an expectation.
What Do We Mean By Setting An Expectation?
It would be best if you did not believe our promise is a legally binding agreement like the one pictured below because it is not.
Our legal guidance has recommended that you read our official postings at Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Two Cautions entirely and thoroughly understand them well before proceeding.
OK... so you get it by now - our promise is much less than some contractual agreement.
We realize we are making a point about this, and you may be questioning our laboring on this item. We apologize, but here in the USA, we live in a litigious society. We may have lost some of you already because of this sticky point, but for those of you that stayed: "THANK YOU!"
We intend our promise to set an expectation for you. A high one, to be sure! But one that is attainable, doable, and within your grasp as a seeking person who wishes to be teachable (i.e., we refer to you as an aspirant). With this spirit and intention, we promise the following:
Our Promise
We want the best for you. We want excellence for you. We want you to expand your horizons. We want you to be happy and have an abundant life. When you consider Choice Awareness Management and what we have to offer you, we ask you to ponder changing two things from this point forward respectfully:
Your attitude, and
Your behaviors.
That's a good starting point for what we want to understand about ourselves. You can learn some basics about our thinking by reading Our Vision for You and Our Values & Beliefs. After reading those two pieces, you will have an appreciation and sense of us.
Here is our commitment to you:
"We offer you the possibility of gaining much value from a relationship with us. We promise that you will receive much more value than expected, and eventually, you will gain and give back more than you ever imagined".
"You will gain power and freedom to transform your life through participation with Choice Awareness Management such that you will lift your consciousness, behaviors, and outcomes."
When you can turn your thoughts into words, your words into actions, and your efforts begin to match your words - your family, friends, colleagues, and special people in your life - will give you their trust.
We invite you to review our ten promises from our founder - see our founder's purpose page.
“Promise.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/promise. Accessed 9 Jul. 2021.