Education Components — Choice Awareness Management

 At Choice Awareness Management, we support you in your development and growth in several ways: our webinars are important methods that we interact with you.

We conduct internet webinar sessions at convenient times during your workday, in the mornings, luncheon hours, afternoons, and early evening during the weekdays, and sometimes on Saturdays at varying times.

Our webinars use student materials and work packet data as the primary input source while spanning a 90 minute period, usually covering six major components. Webinars start beginning at fifteen minutes before the hour, Pacific Standard-Times (PST).

The majority of our webinars are presentation-based, leader-driven, where attention is placed completely upon the student materials: following along is expected as the standard. Given the conference technology used, some facilitation occurs, with questions held to each component session's end. Student materials have notes sections throughout the guide to record what you hear and any of your questions as they come up. This material constitutes your webinar workbook.

Our webinars are designed to produce results in two ways for you:

  1. Utilizing your own experiences and beliefs; while

  2. Coupled with new learning from our unique and compelling why's, what's and how's.

Please select the right webinar that fits you and your busy schedule. 

CAM Learning Model

We have 4 items that are critical that we have designed to "Come Present" in each of our webinars as noted in the CAM Learning Model illustration close by:

  1. Input - experiences, information, knowledge, wisdom from both us and from you.

  2. Feedback - what is occurring at this moment, and what does it mean to you.

  3. Change - how can we change ourselves, and what must we do?

  4. Enroll - using the new ideas to enroll us in our beliefs and others while applying them in your lives right now...

Our webinar leader has the responsibility of ensuring that each component works effectively for all who attend.

Our and your input, feedback, change, and enrollment are the essentials for effective usable education - this means that you immediately apply what you are learning from us within your life.

Your part of this process requires that you participate at a high level, paying attention to what is begin said, listening without comparison to your current beliefs, being open, and allowing yourself to be present.

Questions will be answered at the end of each session to understand what has occurred and what it could mean to you.  

When you combine the overview, deeper look, and student course e-Booklets material, which you would have read and prepared for our webinar, they are the primary source and a wealth of knowledge for this webinar.

They should be able to answer most of your questions. Besides, our current blogs will be referenced to highlight some of the ideas and concepts to support you in your awareness and understanding.

(Wisdom Sidebar) Our strategy and the on-going plan are to answer questions we receive inside our webinar and workshops by writing new blogs that answer them: emailing you with the blogs to follow-up.

Characteristically Excellent

We have designed our courses with excellence in mind and ensure that we keep our high standards by constantly getting your feedback and applying improvements (e.g., look below at the bottom of this page to give us your feedback via the social media links and our contact us page).

We measure excellence using our CAM Awareness Scale and target 9.5 on our scale in all webinar components (i.e., while looking at the CAM Awareness Scale, please review our "Simple Example of using the Scale").

Our overall webinar objective is that our clients and customers gain insight/awareness and can apply the learning to make a difference in their personal, work, and business lives.

Webinar Materials

We employ several different educational devices and techniques in our webinars, yet many of them usually include the following:

  1. An invitation video - questions to consider, introductory highlights.

  2. A Student Guide Overview - course purpose, goal, and webinar topics.

  3. A Student Guide Deeper Look - more detailed information about the course: what to do before and after.

  4. A Student Guide Course Materials - course workbook for recording your notes & answers - packed with all kinds of supporting materials.

  5. Work Packet - containing illustrations, forms, exercises, photos, etc., to support your learning experience.

The first three items are free, with only your time to review and determine if they hold value for your investment in yourself. We think so and hope that you come to the same conclusion.

If you decide to move forward with a webinar, select the course by adding it to your shopping cart, and you will receive a purchase confirmation email and a download link to get your Student Guide Course Materials (e.g., a zip file for your convenience). Extract the materials, then print them, review them beforehand, and finally have your materials ready at the beginning of your webinar.

To make your course effective, we suggest you consider taking personal responsibility for the education by finding, enrolling, and engaging an accountability partner. You will learn more about this at the end of each webinar.


Please browse our webinars, looking at each introductory video and our Free student guides. Download them at your convenience, but look closely at the "Student Guide Deeper look"  to understand what to expect.

  1. Getting On Purpose  - see the page for details.

  2. Getting On the Bus - see the page for details.

  3. Engaging on Purpose - TBD.

  4. Acting On Purpose - TBD.

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