At Choice Awareness Management, we define disciplines as any activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; as in training.
A daily stint at the keyboard is an excellent discipline for a writer or a musician practicing the piano or violin, depicted in the picture close by.
Practicing is the ticket to gaining excellence in anything. We suggest you focus your attention on your particular God-given talents.
We also suggest that taking a pencil or pen in your hand will produce effects that will stimulate sensing coordination - try that too!!
An instrument is only one way in which we can practice your discipline - can you think of any other ways?
It Takes Practice
We've based our disciplines upon our own personal experiences and have defined some that you can use:
or however, you define when.
These experiences are varied, rich, and healthy. They are targeted to get us communicating first with ourselves and in some cases with someone else - friend, family, colleague, mentor, associate, etc.
Your communications normally can occur in written and the spoken form, although it may take other forms such as pictures, videos, and whatever works for you.
Some of the disciplines will have you experimenting with practices that never occurred to you, or ones that you know other people have tried - but you didn't think would work for you. Try it - it may or it may not. That depends upon a lot of things.
Do No Harm
We will not recommend activities that would harm you, and if you feel that you may be placed in harms-way - don't attempt it. In fact, one of our primary motto's is "When in Doubt Don't." Perhaps this will be the best common sense we can offer.
One of our stated goals is to move you toward actions that promote self-discovery and awareness.
We believe that by posing various disciplines, which promote healthy activities, they produce possibilities - each within your grasp to accomplish: this can help you learn how to create favorable practices.
Download Information
Now is the time to try some of our personal and business disciplines, like the free 27-page e-Booklet sample of our Annual Discipline - Visualizations, and put it to good and effective use in your life...
Our products are priced in Walt Disney's spirit - family worthy, unique, and accessible to all.
Feel free to pass this document along to those who you think may benefit from the example.