Starting Point
This critical article provides universal ideas about why Principles will always trump Personalities. The current culture favors personalities and leaves principles ultimately alone: principles didn't matter or even exist. There is a reason for this disparity. All one has to do is look at most major media and the current trends in social media. Observe what topics are emphasized in our culture - indeed, not principles!
Suppose you take a few minutes to observe what is occurring with social media, major news and media outlets, higher education, etc. You'll begin to notice the topics most prevalent are equality, race, violence, group-think, and anger. If this sounds familiar, then we welcome you to spend some time browsing the ideas presented here.
Before moving forward, we suggest you begin with an open mind.
Question Everything
We want you to recognize that we are all bombarded daily by advertising and influential propaganda - this is the essence of primary and social media. Thousands of ideas come our way as if the ideas and comments were reality - they are not.
When we suggest thinking for yourself, we want you to begin to question what you hear. And, we want you to start to READ - forget about Wikipedia and research multiple sources.
Here are some questions which come in handy when learning about something…
The Value of Reading
Reading, writing, and arithmetic are all crucial elementary school ideals for a robust education.
(Wisdom Sidebar) A fourth R in education is for ARt - see the Imprimis article for more information: Alexandra York, President, American Renaissance for the Twenty-First Century.
There is a reason that reading comes first. We perceive reading as the foundation of all essential activities a healthy person can undertake - your entire lifetime. We call this practice lifetime learning and will publish our CAM Lifetime Journey Learning Model soon.
We recommend reading and invite you to understand why reading is critical: see the article from the University of the People.
What is a Principle?
By way of the online dictionary Merriam-Webster, here is their definition of:
principle (1)
prin·ci·ple | \ ˈprin(t)-s(ə-)pəl , -sə-bəl\
a : a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption
b (1) : a rule or code of conduct
(2) : habitual devotion to right principles a man of principle
c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device
2. : a primary source: origin
3. a : an underlying faculty or endowment such principles of human nature as greed and curiosity
b : an ingredient (such as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality
4. capitalized, Christian Science: a divine principle: god
We believe the principle is a consistent way to live one’s life. Here are three examples of time-tested principles from various disciplines, we invite you to investigate on your own:
13 Best Principles for Success you Need to Have in Your Life
7 Ways Psychology Can Change Your Life
8 Core Principles of Good customer service
If you select any subject, topic, or industry, you will find someone's idea of a principle. There are many more to search for, but you get the gist of what we want you to understand. The central point to gain is that there can be significant meaning in principle.
The first point that we want to make about personalities is that there are many different types. Look at Hollywood, and you'll get an idea of what we mean. Most people usually equate actors with the roles they play. But, look no further than those politicians or notable people in the news. Some politicians speak out of both sides of their mouths, some celebrities are charismatic, some people are untruthful, and others are simply boring. We imagine a score of people you can think about and realize they put forward is only the mask they are wearing that day.
The second point we suggest is that personality is fleeting at best and very difficult to judge the sincerity of the words and language people use - who are they?
In our experience, principles are a way to understand and gauge a person's character: usually through their actions - not their words. We also equate principles with beliefs - see our starting point ideas about beliefs. Here are some other ideas you will find enlightening:
Did our argument about principles trump personalities? Leave a comment and share your ideas.
(1) "Principle." Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 8 Jul. 2021.