a state of resignation
I had my business coach mention to me some time back that I was in “state of resignation”. He said the language I was using made him come to this conclusion.
He said I was stopped. I agreed with him and I have come to understand this state all too well. By the way, I am a business coach and mentor and I know that we all get stopped somewhere along the way of our lives. It doesn’t matter who you are, your profession, background or economic status – it just happens. And it will impact you too. Please answer the next questions with integrity: out loud is the best way.
Stuck in The Mud – just realize that you are not Going Anywhere for awhile…
How Deep is Your Stuck-ness?
Have you ever felt like you were slogging in mud with your boots stuck so tightly that you couldn’t move? Your toes could wiggle and you could even slide your foot out of your boots, but that’s about it: your boots are not going any where soon…Your boots are you.
Or like the picture above, you dropped your anchor and the water receded: you weren’t going anywhere.
Yes? No? Maybe?
If you are being honest with yourself and us – you have been here too!
Flashlight Idea Black curl Icon…
Do you remember what it feels like? It can be a pretty awful experience. It can last a few minutes, a few hours, a few days or maybe even months and years. Let’s hope not…
We are showing an original icon in the image close by from our early definition of our corporation, simply because we wanted to shine a light on our challenges and issues. This icon is the bottom of the Flashlight Ideas logo.
It reminds us it is time to shine a light on our beliefs, which we know drive our behaviors and the end results we receive from our beliefs.
Let us be clear about a few things regarding resignation: we are not resigning from our jobs, yet we are resigning from something! Usually it relates to participation…
Stopped Language
More importantly, we are not speaking about a mental condition, whether it is clinical depression or anxiety or some other mental circumstance such as a high-state-of-confusion (e.g. typically associated with dementia or senility), where our basic facilities are so impaired that the important people in our lives wouldn’t recognize us. However, we are talking about the situation where we just don’t seem to get anything accomplished or done to any great extent. Does this sound familiar?
A Language View of Resignation
We are speaking about a common challenge that has us in a state of bewilderment: we refer to this as resignation.
The word cloud close by depicts some of the language associated with this state, to help you understand the kind of feelings which may be present for you.
You can probably add to this list yourself with some more expressive words, yet look closely to see if you can spot some of the ones that you typically feel during this time. Uncomfortable? Yes, and also realize that the situation can be temporary – mostly fueled by our beliefs.
However, don’t get to concerned about this idea about beliefs of your stoppage because there are ways to cope with this condition and circumstance. Going with the flow can be helpful: acceptance and surrender are helpful also.
Belief Based
We think part of this problem lies in our/your belief system – we visually describe in our choices model close by how our experience cements our beliefs, which dictate our choices, that drive our actions and produce our results.
There is something (e.g. we say beliefs) which inhibits us from taking the kind of actions which will assist with us moving out of this state. We think there are inhibiting beliefs which are undermining us – which keep us locked in this state of stoppage. We know this from our own and others experiences because we have eliminated many of these inhibiting beliefs.
However, that isn’t our specialty. We direct our family, friends, colleagues, clients and customers to an expert who helps remove these inhibiting beliefs – see Morty Lefkoe for free ways of removable. So we recommend that you look at a list of inhibiting beliefs (e.g. I am not worthy) then come back quickly to complete your reading and learning.
CAM Choices Pyramid – Conceptual Communications Model
What’s Important
We FOCUS our attention on creating new beliefs and the related processes with unique motivations to sustain them. Our established beliefs become the drivers in our lives, while the inhibiting beliefs drop to the wayside. We suggest both activities – we know the primary purpose is creating our/your beliefs, then letting them dictate what occurs: measuring the results all along the way – we use our CAM Awareness Scale for measuring. Measuring can be accomplished very quickl,y along with the implementation of a few easy to learn techniques to help cement the belief in your life.
We will be glad to share them with you.
Please give us some insight into your thinking with your feedback.