life long learning
This sounds like an interesting theme or topic, but how does one accomplish this? What would have me even want to continue to go to school or study stuff? I don’t have any time now, let alone think about adding something else to my list-of-stuff…
You are decreasing my continually-deflating-bliss. Bug off.
Another word bubble to view – give us a break will ya?
I’m Already Overloaded
Hey, good idea instead – how about a pastrami sandwich and chips – pickles too? I’ll mull this over as I watch the 49’ers – NOT!
There is a reason why we may not want to do this – we’re very tired from all the things we do now – add more – forget it buster!!!
Not only do we have our to-do-list (my wife adds to this frequently) but, the bucket-list (those things to do in later life – someday – yikes and fiddlesticks to you) is glaring at us from desk cork board – oh heavens?
I Need Help!!!
I need those angels to help right now because I know you are going to test me.
Before dragging me any further into this, I believe we may be summing the normal conditions reasonably well – about how many of us are feeling – a bit anxious.
What Drives This Situation?
All right – tell me something I don’t know first. You may not know this exciting tidbit or want to hear about it – but for your good – here goes.
We Are What We Believe and Choose.
If we want things to change in our lives, we have to consider selecting beliefs and choices that serve us well. You may not be being served well at this point in your life – but only you can answer that question.
Based upon the world broad data that we have read regarding happiness, working in a job you love, having the relationships you want, and just plain overall satisfaction with your life, most people are not getting what they want or deserve. It’s pretty bleak.
We are responsible for this ourselves – no one else can take the blame for our beliefs and choices.
What does this have to do with life-long–learning? That is an excellent question!!!
A Few Suggestions
There is an old wife’s tale about when you stop learning, you die. We won’t take that position, but we will offer you a few others.
We have found that learning is a belief and a choice. The result of the belief is an expansion of your understanding and awareness of yourself. And the world around you. This is an excellent concept. This will produce manifested faith in learning for you. If you make this personal discipline a life long practice, you can continue to evolve…perhaps if you choose to be open, willing, and more.
Wisdom Sidebar
(Wisdom Sidebar Table Description) This table allows inquiry into a few critical subjects to support this blog, which will prove helpful in your discovery process.
Since we played ostrich for years (they don’t bury their head in the sand), we know some things about dragging our heels and being above it all with our closed minds and old beliefs. This burying and dragging meant many times, procrastination, and contempt.
(Special Note) They ended up not serving us well – we were excluded from many things that were once available to us—the concept of inhibiting beliefs was born.
We invite you to explore these following ideas more thoroughly:
Beliefs introduction Click for more
Choices introduction Click for more
The Impact of Language
Your language will automatically lift because you will expand your vocabulary through your research and education. When this inevitably occurs, you will have greater clarity in the forming of and speaking of your ideas. As long as you couple the beliefs of humility and gratitude with this process, you can count on not becoming arrogant from your expansion.
One last idea That Warrants Closer Inspection
If you are a parent, uncle, or aunt, and you have some responsibility for children in your life, you owe it to them to help them also. This helping requires you to teach what you learned with proper intentional beliefs (not necessarily giving them the answer but allowing them to reason, think, and choose for themselves). You can also do this as a friend, colleague, or a stakeholder in someone else’s life – whatever that role may be for you. This activity is a sacred and honorable role to pursue yourself because it requires that you must possess the belief and detailed knowledge of it before you can give it away truthfully.
Please feel free to contact us directly with any ideas you have about this topic.