CAM Quick Business Review (QBR)
CAM Quick Business Review (QBR)
This e-Booklet is designed especially for Small Business Owners (SBOs) who wish to quickly evaluate how they are progressing on their on-purpose business life. The Choice Awareness Management QBR will allow a business owner to become aware of the critical business items. The QBR also helps determine how important they are, even allowing the owner to rate themselves today, and where they want to be in 12 months. The owner can determine within 30 minutes or less how they compare to how other SBO’s look at their business.
Your Measures Show You Insights
At Choice Awareness Management, we have created a Quick Business Review (QBR), especially for small business owners, which will help you determine how you are progressing on your On-Purpose business life. We include here some fascinating information that will help you get started on deciding what is important to you. We don't ask ourselves tough questions. We invite you to read this page, answer a few questions, and determines for yourself if these will help you.
We believe so, but your answers are what's essential for you.
The possibility of insights coming present is high
People pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year to have experts tell them what they are doing wrong and right: usually the former is more acceptable to us!!!
Yet, many people already have some idea of what might be occurring: and some do not have a clue.
Either situation is perfectly OK.
Our question is "Does this sound familiar?"
Yes is the feedback we hear most often.
Another characteristic coupled with this inquiry is that we don't believe our own evidence: and it is often right in front of us.
Would you like a valuable and quick method to do the analysis yourself?
If your answer is "YES" then keep reading...
And, we also invite you to spent a few minutes getting ready for something new - read this first.
Would You Like to See ONE question to see what you will Get?
This question, number 9, alone is worth significant value to you, especially if you stop and carefully consider the power that exists within the words. We suggest you look up words that you may not have a complete grasp - we direct you to check out enroll, commit and future. Ok, here goes...
9. Do you ensure stakeholders are enrolled and committed to make your business/project future happen?
This is a great question, but the awareness from answering it will flow faster to you in scoring the question for yourself. Using our CAM Awareness Scale, select a number between 0 and 10 for how important this is to you? Then, determine using the same scale, your current level of achievement. And finally, score yourself on where you want to be in 12 months.
You may find a gap between the scoring - this is normal!!!
These questions are general ones but we want you to think about them before you purchase our questionnaire...
What if you could determine 3 quick gains for your business?
How could you do more with customers?
What could do do if you knew your future?
How many different things could you do with more time?
What could you do with more profits?
and "What if some of the answers to these questions came present for you by answering the questionnaire?"
Do you want to see more questions by looking at a sample?
New CAM Choices Application in 2023
Planned for 2023, this questionnaire will be on-line in a cloud based application called “CAM Choices”. Your answers will be saved, calibrated for generating a foundation categorized beliefs set and based upon what you considered important to you.
In addition, you will be able to track all your questions/items for attainment, based upon your priority ordering from the most important to the least. A set of foundation beliefs will be established for you to alter or keep, as a starting point for you to begin to develop the characteristics for your on-purpose business life.
What might this be worth to you?
It is time to find out how you will stack up to these important and enlightening questions.
We Teach You How to Use Our Quick Business Review (QBR)
We have designed a 29 page Quick Business Review (QBR) Instruction Guide e-Booklet which shows you how to use the QBR Scoring Form and how you can gain insights about your business life.