CAM Alignment Ladder
CAM Alignment Ladder
The CAM Alignment Ladder allows a small business owner to determine if their beliefs have alignment with the designed belief outcome. Did you ever imagine that you could gauge your beliefs to determine how powerful they are for you? With our CAM Alignment Ladder, it helps you determine how well your beliefs serve you and your company.
At Choice Awareness Management we design ways to measure effectiveness and our CAM Alignment Ladder is very helpful to evaluate and determine how effective your beliefs are working for you.
Why Measuring Stuff Counts
We all evaluate and determine tangible things in our life by measuring them.
Here are three important reasons to measure things::
It provides us meaning and understanding,
It helps us order our thinking about something and rationalize its use to us,
It assists with our awareness of how important something is to us.
There are all kinds of measuring devices and we believe that you should be measuring lots of things in your life - how else will you know what is occurring?
Beliefs Are Measurable
We say that by measuring your beliefs you can gain awareness and that can convert to understanding while realizing great value to you: we call it Belief Power.
What does Belief Power mean for you and of what value do you think it delivers for you today?
Beliefs have significant power in our lives, both positive, neutral and negative. We have created a belief ladder so that you can gauge how powerful your beliefs are operating inside you.
You can measure yourself by comparing where you are with both a positive, neutral and negative scale with various detents to determine the belief effectiveness.
By gaining awareness of how your beliefs are working, you will receive the understanding that you otherwise might not have known: this is many times the first step toward change.
You may not be able to perceive these alignment characteristics for yourself to great depth, but you can ask an associate, colleague, family member or close friend to gauge you on the ladder: sometime this input can be very instructive for you - focus upon your particular behaviors associated with your belief being inspected.
This is a process and journey which is never-ending and life-long because as humans we have a propensity to resist anything.
Why This Is important to you
Each of our products helps you produce results for yourself and your teams. In our experience, setting some beliefs in place before you begin will serve you well, coupled with understanding the reasons why can help justify the journey.
Top Three Reason to Learn More about Beliefs:
Nothing of significance occurs until you are willing and ready to accept and embrace awareness within yourself: insights can come present then.
You are responsible for your own understanding and of how you participate in the world: this involves your choices, the associated actions and results you attain, along with your acknowledgment and deep insights of your experiences.
Beliefs drive everything about us, many times with little insight of the significant impacts: we operate from inside our beliefs (e.g. literally thousands of them) - they define us and direct all of our thinking, speaking, writing, deciding, acting, etc. Gaining awareness of how your beliefs work for you will allow the opportunity and possibility of you changing them and receiving different results.
Knowing How Your Beliefs Align
Did you ever imagine that you could gauge your beliefs to determine how powerful they are for you? With our CAM Alignment Ladder, it helps you determine how well your beliefs serve you.
How to Get Started
The CAM Alignment ladder is simple and easy to use tool to help which possesses a scale with positive and negative characteristics for nine separate levels.
The beginning point is a neutral level (e.g. ground zero) where your belief is only acknowledged by you and there is no attachment to the beliefs - positive or negative. You will have little if any participation or action inside the beliefs: you are not moved either way - it could be considered a dormant belief - waiting to be activated.
The positive scale ranges four levels from 1 to 4 moving from permission to certainty respectively.
The negative scale ranges from a -1 to a -4 moving from apathetic to sabotage respectively. We consider the negative beliefs to be inhibiting beliefs, which we prefer to understand fully and eliminate or reduce substantially - to get to neutral as the worst case. (Special Note) We don't focus any of our services eliminating the negatives, but we will forward you to our business affiliate who specializes in this area: he and his associates have deep practices and experiences in helping people.
Not only have we used this alignment ladder to gauge ourselves, but we have also used it to gauge the employees of our clients. And it can be rather telling.
Use this to your advantage, with caution
When you use alignment ladder to gauge beliefs, realize that it may be very effective to first understand a few things about yourself or the person who is using the ladder: if you have a perception of knowing whether you are:
In your head (e.g. analyzing or intellectualizing) - the first level
Feeling your feelings (e.g. heart connection), or - the second level
Intuitionally knowing (e.g. soul or spiritual connection) - third level
You will likely gain some real value from this alignment ladder.
There is a very simple way to determine your ladder alignment by using the CAM Awareness Scale.
As an example, let’s assume that you determine your belief to be a level 3 - acceptance where you are connected head and heart.
Just ask yourself the number that comes to mind from 0 to 10 and if it comes back with a 9 or 10 you are probably correct in your alignment. If less than, keep searching for your level.
More Training Available in Webinars & Workshops
You will receive more in-depth training in our webinars, workshops, and videos for this product.